cannibalization is an advanced science in brand marketing warfare. It is
the science
of creatingsub-brands within the main brand so that it targets
a whole range of consumers in order to reatinand grow its consumer base.For eg. Marriot
group runs hotels like Courtyard by Marriot which is a lesser budget
concsious hoteltargetted at the business class in the same city where
Marriot is also present. Marriot is the parent brandand is a 5 star chain
whereas Courtyard by Marriot is a sub brand for business and budget
consciouscustomers. Another common example is the brand extensions by GM
Motors like GMC, Buick,Pontiac, Saturn, Outlook and Traverse within its 4x4
domain. What it basically does is offer a customermultiple choice within the GM
brand, it also allows the dealer the chance to book additional profitmargins by
converting a customer who is say wanting to buy an entry level 4x4 into a mid
level 4x4.Becasue of the plethora of choices the customer is satisfied at the
same outlet and doesnt have to look elsewhere. Hence it is a win-win
situation on all sides.To sum up brand cannibalization is the art of brand
extensions to benefit the brand owner, seller andthe end user. Brand
cannibalization can be resorted to activate an existing parent brand by
offferingindividual stronger sub-brands. Like Coke did in india with the
launch of Minute Maid, Sprite etc.Brand Cannibalization is not exactly
brand extension. However in both cases you are extending the lineof a
given brand, in case of brand cannibalization you are actually eating
away the market share of yourown existing brand. Brand Cannibalization can be
deliberate or oblivious. In case of deliberatecannibalization,
company actually try to phase out some old brand or try to grab the additional
marketshare of competitors' along with its own. When cannibalization is
not a well thought of strategy behindthe brand extension, company tries to
eliminate it by repositioning new brand (mostly).

In today's world
“premiumization,” “trading up,” are receiving the same attention as
"commoditization"and "trading
down".A strategy which might click in one part of the world might
have to be executed incomplete opposite way in the other part.Economic
downturns are now causing consumers to trade down, and many midtier and
premium brandsare losing share to low-priced rivals. Their managers face a
classic strategic dilemma: Should they tacklethe threat head-on by reducing
prices, knowing that will destroy profits in the short term and brandequity
in the long term? Or should they hold the line, hope for better times
to return, and in the meantimelose customers who might never come back? Given
how unpalatable both those alternatives can be, many companies are
now considering a third option: launching a fighter brand. A fighter brand
is designed to combat, and ideally eliminate, low-price competitors while
protecting anorganization’s
premium-price offerings.In
its best applications, a fighter brand strategy can have evenmore impressive
results.A fighter brand not only eliminates competitors but also opens up a new,
lower-end market for the organization to pursue.But launching a fighter brand
is like walking on a double edged sword. Great application might leap
frog you way beyond competition and have your success stories illustrated
in b-school cases however there arealso chances of misfire and lead to
significant collateral losses for the companies that initiated them.
Account For
Most fighter brands
are created explicitly to win back customers that have switched to a
low-priced rival.Unfortunately, once deployed, many have an annoying tendency
to also acquire customers from acompany’s own
premium offering, which is called cannibalization.You must ensure that it appeals to
theprice-conscious segment you want to attract while guaranteeing
that it falls short(in terms of value/quality) for current
consumers of your premium brand. That means you must match your fighter brand’s low
price with equally low perceived
quality.To prevent cannibalization, a company mustdeliberately lessen
the value, appeal, and accessibility of its fighter brand to its premium
brand’s targetsegments. It may
even need to actively disable existing product features and withhold standard marketingsupport
from the fighter brand.Managers need to weigh the effects of cannibalization
before rolling out fighter brands. Because these brands are explicitly
oriented toward the rivals that have stolen share from a company, the
initial break-even calculations used to justify their launch often are
oversimplistically derived from an estimate of thelost sales that can be
recouped, which not usually the case.An accurate break-even analysis must
accountfor cannibalization as well. How can you predict whether excessive
cannibalization will occur? Test-marketing is the best way to ensure that a fighter
brand can compete with low-price offerings withoutrobbing significant sales
from its higher-price, more profitable sister brand.
The Gospel:
To calculate the effect of cannibalization, the
Break Even Cannibalization rate for a change in a product is:New Product
Unit Contribution / Old Product Unit Contribution.New Product is the
planned addition to a product line (or change to a product within a
product line), OldProduct is the product that loses sales to the new
product (or the product line that loses sales). Thecannibalization rate
refers to the percentage of new product that would have gone to the old
product, thismust be lower than the break even cannibalization rate in order for
the change to be profitable. Whenmaking changes to a specific product,
cannibalization of other products may occur. To calculate the effectof
cannibalization, the Break Even Cannibalization rate for a change in a product