Sunday 23 November 2014

Larry Page is Google’s Steve Jobs

You all know the story of Steve Jobs about how he fired from his own company, returned as its savior after years in exile according to the author Nicholas Carlson. He says “Larry Page is the Steve Job’s of Google”.
Carlson draws the parallels. In July 2001, Page fired all the company’s project managers citing non-engineers supervising the engineers was a bad idea. The project managers were stunned. Shortly after this incident Eric Schmidt stepped in as Google’s CEO and Larry Page became the president of the products.
Carlson describes how Page spends his years in ‘wildernesses’ play second fiddle to Schmidt as the company is slowly maturing to its brand identity. He spends all his energy focusing on development of Android OS. Again in 2011, he returned as a CEO.
Now Larry wants to develop software that are able to organize user experience to solve the world’s problems. As a child, Page’s hero was Nikola Tesla and he read his biography number of times. In 2014, Page is living an alternate ending to the Nikola Tesla biography that made him cry when he was only 12 years old.

Reference: Times of India

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